segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2018

How do people perceive money

Everyone likes money... Who doesn't??? It's probably the only thing that can be common to Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Left Wing, Wright wing, old and young, man and woman, etc etc...

Money buys goods, food, cars, houses, gives you a good education in better places, health care... everything... So basically we need the money since the day we born ( to pay the hospital) until the day we die ( to pay the funeral)...

Every day we see on the news, people around us, social media news that someone stole for money or killed for money or got a scam to get money with work and we get angry or repulsed with that... By other if someone gets rich because his/her business is doing ok or got a promotion on his job and we didn't we have somewhat of a nostalgic/ jealous moment because we would like to have it as well but we didn't ... Or specially when there's only 1 vacancy and many candidates... and the ones that don't win the place always feel some bad taste of defeat and unfairness and probably some of them will do some bad things to the winner in order to show the person that decided, that has done a bad decision in not choosing them...

Have you ever thought for a second... Why do we need the money? The Bible says that the money is the Apple that poisoned Mankind until the judgment day... So if all this is correct why don't we leave it away?

Is it because it's "sticky" to give away? Or because it gives us status and power? Is it because it fills space between people when we want to trade something? Is it because it motivates us to work and to create new things?

Well, seeing how the concept of money is changing in our society from the metal coins, to the paper ones, than plastic and now with Bit coins, the power that it has over people is decreasing little by little because the money is transforming gradually from precious metals to non precious metals until it's only it's value in a virtual world that we trade...

At same time as less powerful the money is, more power the people have on fighting corruption, on demanding changes in the big interests, because now on we have more and more access to hidden data...

We can't forget that this progress that gives us more and more happiness and wealth comes attached with more virtual intelligence, better developed machines, that can perform Human tasks for free and for much longer periods of time...

We couldn't be better than we were before... Finally Human Kind can have peace, the social differences may disappear in a short time, as well the corruption, the wars and the Perfect World is just there???

Hummm... It's tempting to think that way but suddenly I remembered that the money for more systems of protection and anti-corruption that might exist IT WILL ALWAYS HAVE VALUE...
And because of that, is something that will motivate people to own it.

Now I share with you a futuristic view that I had :)

What if in a far far away time where machines work to Humans in a perfect symbiosis, where everyone is rich and happy and do whatever pleases him/herself because everyone can afford to do so, where the cure of all diseases is discovered and nothing bad might happen because there's plenty of money for everyone?

Good no?

So, I suppose the transactions will be made through a big server like Google and like Google as well will have an Algorithm to secure it and make it safe...

What if, by any chance some group of people could crack this algorithm down and own this huge server where all the transactions are made and say to the rest of the population: "You won't have more money from now on and now on you are our slaves!"

Can you imagine the disaster it would be, where there's no money to buy a bottle of milk to give to her baby? Or money to pay the rent? Or to buy water?
I imagine that people would kill for a slice of bread or to have a place to sleep or live...
The respect for the other human being that we now a days think is low, by that time it will be zero for sure...

Not to talk the probably enormous quantity of machines that will exist to control the population to the interests that they were reprogrammed to do and at the same time a population that has become lazy for the years and years that the machines took care of them...

Hummm... Interesting point of view don't you think?

I imagine that something like this will happen on judgment day that the Bible talks about...

Well... Should we be scared? Should we lose hope? What can we do, you ask...

Well, I assume that I had the same question and I took some time to answer it (If you believe in reincarnation and that you will reincarnate by that time of course), or if not thinking about your grand grand grand grand sons...

The answer that I got is that we must give to the others as much as we can so that our karma is cleaner possible and with this act we get detached by the POWER OF MONEY...

Another thing is to put ourselves in situations that we need to test our limits and boundaries and we can achieve to a higher state of conscience... for example...

Go to a new country or place and start from zero the search for friends, job or income, learn new language, meet new culture and costumes and overcome all these difficulties...
Or for example make a survivor course for some days where your limits are tested and your strengths and weaknesses show up...

Well, at least we will be prepared for the first impact of this big crush but the "poison" will still be there...

So the answer to the problem of THE VALUE OF THE MONEY is that... IT DOENST HAVE ANY VALUE AT ALL!!!
The value we give it is only one we want to give... If this big server is destroyed and shut down, it means that we don't need its value and we give things freely and based on the POWER OF LOVE!!!

Now we think... This is only so far away ... Why do we bother about it???

Well you are right... But if we form a conscience society about this factor that we don't need no governors, or political parties or MONEY at all... at least the idea won't die and thrive!!

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