segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2022

The New World Order (2023...?)

 We all watch news from all kinds of happenings such as Plagues (COVID19), Global warming with melting ice on both pols, starvation caused by the war on Ukrain, piracy on th Horn  of Africa and Guinea bay, autocratic governments that pop up every other year in some country, oil prices that continue to rise with no signal to stop, threats to invade more countries that don't belong to the NATO , and so on and on...

From a perpective of the common people that has it's source of information from the news that are broadcasted 24/7 in every continent with the same titles with an amazing sincronization between the diferent news agencies, it's the Nature and God's anger because we didn't behave properly these last decades and now we are paying the price for our luxurys and lust... Is it? Humm...

Doing a rewing to some near past famous people declaration's such as Bill Gates that said in 2015 that the Human Race is not prepared for the BIG VIRUS that will resist to the vaccines because we depend too much on antibiotics, or the word COVID that is registrated with innumerable atemps at least since 2016 by several types of people or groups of people. Or the radicalization (left and right) of inumorous groups of people that put there frustrations and anger against private property and the other races and religions.

All these has been hapening in the last decade in a fast and growing rithm and we don't understand why... Social networks with help of FAKE NEWS have been marketing this behaviour and giving it a push. The question is "Who is behind these fake news?" 

Now the current topic is the inflation caused by the rise of the prices of first necessity goods such as bread, milk, meat, fish and everyone blame the war on Ukrain and Putin with his crazy ideas, but we all feel that is something we can't control because it's so distant and uncontrollable , right?

What if all these that was beeing said here was not a coincidence and part of plan of some secret society where only the very best of the ELITES from every corner of the world is invited to participate where the only answer can be a yes? Hummm... Can't be true right? That's a very dark conspiracy theory, you might be thinking... and you are right. From good there is litle or nothing

But analysing the fenomena once again we see on the news that a few personalities tried to unmask this society by exposing some part of it's plans into the LIGHT and ended up in prision, dead  or simply disapeared from the public view such as Navalny, Julian Assange , Edward Snowden and Sofia Sapega that the airplane where she was traveling was forced the land in Bielorussia, and so on and on.

Well, if it was only a conspiracy theory this wouldn't have occured you must be thinking, wright?

Maybe after all there is something that is invisible to our eyes but at same time that someone tries to discover something "The Monster" comes out from the lake and wipes it out so that the plan isn't interrupted or even unveiled ... THE BIG BROTHER is watching you as said George Orwell on he's book "1984"

Isn't anything that we can do so that we can stop this Machiavellian  plan to control the world??? 

According to the scriptures of Nostradamus who was famous for predicting some events like WWI and WWII, Napoleon invasions and now the plague (COVID19) he speaks about one single entity that will unmask all this charade and than we finally have peace. The Book of Apocalipse also speaks about the Fall of Israel in the hands of the Anti-Christ and his army of followers that will march from Central Asia to conquer the land of David, but in the end the Beast will be sent to Hell for 1000 years.

My question is my dear reader, is it you that will unveil these obscure plans into the Light? This Heroe chosen by GOD Himself, capable not to be corrupted by the monetary powers, fearless of the "Monster of the Lake" with it's tentacles everywhere and also skilled enough so that can use the WEB and the Underweb so well that it's just a toy for him/her?

If you are, NOW is the time to change these sequence of events and STOP the plan to go even further!!

As you might remember every 10 years, more or less, there was a major crisis on the World Economies (2000 with Web bubble bursting, 2008 with the Private Loans bubble bursting, 2020 with COVID19) so the next one in sequence of the plan will be in 2030, more or less, and if nothing is beeing done till that time, probably we will have a new world coin (not bouncy money) and probably the constitutions have been changed so that in an office somewhere hidden in the jungle, all the money disapears to the hands of a few, and CAOS will rise up between us while we strugle to have a loaf of bread, someone will be owning our will and existence... 

We were not made to end like this for all the sake that everyone of us has been thrue life! 

Where ever this Savior is, May the Force be with you...


The New World Order (2023...?)

 We all watch news from all kinds of happenings such as Plagues ( COVID19 ), Global warming with melting ice on both pols, starvation caused...