Some people say that Love is Magical, Eternal and it connects with God...
Others say it's something so pure that we may never understand the whole essence of it...
These are the 2 extremes and we basically float between the two of them. The level of feeling Love starts, just we get into this world and as time go by and we receive this Love from the parents, society, relationships, co-workers...
Than at some point we have to give it back to others (the one we got till that time) and it's when you have a children, you start a business, your parents start to depend on you and that's when we see if our "Love Tank" is full or not... We always think it's not...
Than we desire to have had better education, better opportunities when we were younger, better knowledge, better this, better that ... And it's funny that all of this is stuck on the same thing... MONEY...
If we had more money we could play a better school, better house, better opportunities, better life...
So if we have fewer opportunities because we have less money... than we grow up angry with the others, envious from the ones that had better opportunities and it's hard to give back what we didn't receive...
Interesting point, no?
Now some say that Capitalism is the best solution, Communism is the best solution, and Anarchism is the best solution... But if we pay attention, all of these systems are based on the MONEY still...
One says that each one has to be the boss of its destiny and invest the money creating opportunities; the other says it's the state that has to govern our money and opportunities and the other is each one by him/her to steal, and make what is possible to survive with no rules...
Well... still not solving the problem...
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