segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2018

The purpose of life

Some people say that Life is a journey of 2 days and we need to take advantage of the night...
Others say that life is meant to earn as much money as we can, but when they die they can't take it with them to the afterlife...

There are many vision's on this topic I'm sure, and I'm also pretty sure that everyone has theirs...

Well, that's great!!! It's very important to know where the track is... What's not so good is when there's the track and we don't have any signs to help us... Or we don't have any motivation to go further... Or we just refuse to accept it...

I also felt this some years ago and that's why I want to share with you how I discover the sense of it...

I was born in Portugal in a Mid Class family, and may say that I had a happy childhood until the age of 8 or 9... After that I started to be having some sudden attacks of anger and hyperactivity anxiety, some intense sadness and the worst was that I was getting isolated from everyone including my parents because no one understood what was going on...

Years were passing and nothing was working... Tried medicines, psychiatric help, being part with other young people groups and nothing... Until my mother had the best idea of visiting some exorcist when I was the age of 20 years old... I don't remember all because when we are under influence of something we all know that some parts of the story don't have any sense or we just can't remember 100%... All I can remember was that it was in February of 2002 (16 years now) at some night at 1h am that I was in my bed sleeping and suddenly I felt moving around in my bed and going against the wall in a crazy thing that I can't describe... After some struggle the movements stopped and I went back to sleep again...

Next day I went back to University and some people say "You are different!" Of course I didn't remember much of how I was before but I believe it's true...  My mother called the other lady that did the exorcism to me and she told her that she won't do that again because it was a very powerful demon...

Of course than everything started to pop up in my head suddenly and I could see that much of my options that I took during my adolescence were wrong... Wrong university (I didn't like what I have chosen), no girlfriends till that time, no friends, hanged out with some other kids in my school with deviant behaviors and the worst of all is that I also didn't know what to do...

Of course I could turned angry about what happened but I realized that it wouldn't help in nothing and also blocked me to discover the world like everybody else...

So I decided to belong to a Christian young people group and they were very nice and there were many others trying to find sense in life... One of the things that they teached me there was to write in my private diary to God and that make me to filter "the different voices" that we have in our heads every time during the day... And of course I liked it, but also this created the of writing what we really want, our MAJOR PURPOSE IN LIFE!

I started to write about the Soul Mate that I had in mind and the what was the plan for the future...

After some time I decided to go to a different country trying to start over from 0 and test my limits and strengths... So on my last year of university I decided to go to Valencia, Spain as an Erasmus student to do the final project...

Of course it was much different from what I have expected and everything went wrong... The house where I stayed there were some problems with the other people such as disappearing things from my room, anti-social behavior from some of the people there, at the University the teachers wanted me to do something that I wasn't prepared to from my University, then of course the presentation went wrong and I had to do it again back home... But I learned how to cook, to manage how to find friends, to organize parties, to find a house to stay and negotiate the terms, and to evaluate fast people when you are changing house...

I can say it was hard but without that maybe I would never know my strengths and limits... And for the second time I went to Spain again by the end of 2007, but this time to Barcelona...
Well because I had the previous experience I immediately knew where to find people, house, job and university (I was doing a Master there) and it was much better until August 2008...

As you all know there was the big Crisis in US and then the world with lots of companies closing doors and people unemployed and the effects of that soon came to Spain, that was one of the most indebt countries in Europe... Real Estate collapsed, factories closing doors and of course the foreigners are the most affected with this because Nationals come first... So by the end of 2009 I had to return again to Portugal and discovered that the "friends" that I left before I went to Spain were changed and the conversations were also changed...

With all of this done I also decided to explore the "Forgotten Emotions" and I did regressive hypnosis so that I could discover what I was in a Past Life and what kind of feelings were going on that were affecting me... With this managed I could understand the track of Karma so that I can I remember the Past, know where I'm at the Present and what needs to be done for the future lives...

With all of this set and done you can have a wider perspective about yourself, about the world and feel much more confident when some bad faze hits you because you know what to do and why did it happen...

Money is going to end?

Some people say that Love is Magical, Eternal and it connects with God...

Others say it's something so pure that we may never understand the whole essence of it...

These are the 2 extremes and we basically float between the two of them. The level of feeling Love starts, just we get into this world and as time go by and we receive this Love from the parents, society, relationships, co-workers...

Than at some point we have to give it back to others (the one we got till that time) and it's when you have a children, you start a business, your parents start to depend on you and that's when we see if our "Love Tank" is full or not... We always think it's not...

Than we desire to have had better education, better opportunities when we were younger, better knowledge, better this, better that ... And it's funny that all of this is stuck on the same thing... MONEY...

If we had more money we could play a better school, better house, better opportunities, better life...

So if we have fewer opportunities because we have less money... than we grow up angry with the others, envious from the ones that had better opportunities and it's hard to give back what we didn't receive...

Interesting point, no?

Now some say that Capitalism is the best solution, Communism is the best solution, and Anarchism is the best solution... But if we pay attention, all of these systems are based on the MONEY still...

One says that each one has to be the boss of its destiny and invest the money creating opportunities; the other says it's the state that has to govern our money and opportunities and the other is each one by him/her to steal, and make what is possible to survive with no rules...

Well... still not solving the problem...

The soulmate that everyone has

Since the beginning of man kind that exists the need of searching "The other half" or the "The other half of the orange".
For many this is a utopic search that doesn't have any sense and for others just an impossible mission...

Well I speak for the ones that have hope in life and believe that we are more than "Work, Sleep and Reproduce"...

I'll tell you about my story because I believe that if it can help you to find answers in your life, than I make my day :)

First of all we need to make an effort to discover the "True Self" or by other words "The Real Myself" that doesn't do things that the society imposes, or family or friends, but the things that are on the way to a Greater Happiness.

I can give you an example:

If a sensitive person, with a creative mind , with a good emotional intelligence, that clearly is an artistic personality, because of the pressure of the family or society, decides to study Management or Engineering (that are clearly rational skill jobs) this person will never be fulfilled when working because his/her capacities are not being used 100%...

So when you do something that you like and you fit in it, that will not be considered a job but a hobby because you love it :)

Second, and I believe that for some people this might be against their beliefs... We need to discover what we were in a Past Life... How can we do this?

With Regressive Hipnosis, with a professional and certified Doctor.

I say this because unfortunatelly there are professionals that do their jobs and don't have any degree on their office wall. You can easely Google it in Recognized Official Associations of Hipnosis and if they have the Regression for Past Lives on their resumé than you can contact them.

Having said this, the goal of this step is to identify Karma that you have and that is affecting your life Positevely and Negatively.

Karma is a word meaning the 
result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. It is a term about the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions. It is an important part of many religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism (Wikipedia)

So, in my case when I did this I was a little bit nervous because I never tried this before, but I can assure you that you will remember everything that happens on the session and the one who speaks is you. The professional doctor only asks questions in order to "dig" what is hided in your subconscious using a process in that we are between awake and sleep but neither the two.

The result of this session was that I used to live in a 1800's Midwest small town where everyone rides a horse surrounded by big red mountains and red sand desert.
The town was very small and houses were made from wood. Everyone knows each other and people from upper classes don't mix with lower classes. The Sheriff was the top authority and I was a person from a lower class. One day I met the most beautiful woman that I ever seen dressed in a white dress and also caught her eye. The problem is that she was a rich girl that was going to marry with the Sheriff ( a very brutal and narrow minded guy). Of course the Sheriff didn't like my presence after a while and one day some guys showed up at my door with big forks on their hands, like the ones to catch hay in the fields, advising me to leave her alone or else I'll be gone...

After this incident we both decided to meet in secret locations far away from the center like the small church but it was still dangerous.

One day I proposed her to leave the village to a new town starting from zero but she declined saying that it a nice idea but than how can we are going to survive? Some time has passed and she never let go the wealthy but sad life that money and power can provide and I decided to go by myself on this journey the a new town. I ended up finding some house were I could live but the feeling of lost was so big that I didn't have will to live and at 40 years old I died in a bed...

Ok, I suppose that it was a sad story but we can always take a lesson from it. Before doing this hypnosis I was very insecure when talking to girls, never being sure when was the time to go for the kiss and the girls thought that I wasn't interested or just a friend. By other way, I was scared to death when groups of boys at school decided to scare me being freezed. After the session I wasn't scared of talking with girls and to face up the other people perspectives.

Why is this story important? Because it shows the continuity of the things like if we were reading a book and for some reason we stopped reading it and after some time we continue to read on the same page we were before. If we don't do this regressive hypnosis we can't have the capacity of visualising and understanding what gave us the current energy, opportunities in life and many times we miss what we were doing on this life.

Third we need to have a diary where we can write what we expect the other person to be as it fisically and psychologically. For the fisical part, is important to define what we consider beauty and we may find pictures of people that we consider handsome and pretty and doing this process not only we are visualising our choices but also being able to recognise the person that has these characteristics immediately when we see them around. For the psychological part we must also write about what were the moments that we loved to have lived or experienced, the people that we liked most and what characteristics they had that made us to like them so much. This is also very important because we have all this clear in our head, once we identify the other person by the looks, we need to know if he or she is compatible with the psychological part.
The diary is to write to the one entity that we speak with or Higher power that we consider and it can be God,  Alah, Mother Nature or anything else that we feel to listen our praires and complaints.

We must be the most precise and persistent as posible and dont give up because they don't give up of listening you too!

In forth place you must BELIEVE that we all are soul mates from someone else, because of what we like, what we can do, what we need. The other half is exactly fit to your behaviour and can give you answers in a way that probably no one can. Can chalenge you in a way that probably no one will and always in a positive way and NEVER in a negative chalenge! That's very important to remind!

I could post some books that I read about the search for the True Soul Mate but I prefer to tell you my experience and leave to you, the reader, the extra research and info that you might need.

If we do all these 3 points before and believe that we are someone else's twin soul than we have to be exposed in the world. If we are hided ate home, always working until late, never going to have in places that you like, the chances are reducing in a big way!!!

So what I did because like many people I study and work I didn't have many free time but the time I had I always tried to choose beeing in places that I like, being in places that I like and avoiding toxic people, activities that I don't have any attachment, have an online profile on a big dating site, beeing in young people groups with a lot of people, traveling to places that I really enjoyed or wanted to visit... And one day accidentaly we met and I knew it was her...

I was 29 years old, basically to be honest I wasn't believing so much but the Higger Power above don't forget us and our prayers and provided the meeting. In my case it was online.

Than we think... Why didn't this happen sooner and only now?? Well, the answer is that because we are one half, only 50% depends on us... The other 50% depends on the other person.. That's why I write this post in other to available to a bigger number of people and start to aware people that it's possible and doable.

The other person, maybe don't had the means to get into you the same way you have, or this counscience on her wasn't so clear that is in you, but even so, both believe and would like to meet the other half.

What makes the difference between the soul mate and any one else? Well the soul mate full fill you in ways that any other person didn't r couldn't and at same time you feel that you are in the right track, have a new perspective about life, gives you a tremendous amount of energy that you never felt before and challenged me to the only thing that was really missing me to study, to be , to go...

As I said before this was my experience and my experience only. The path that happened with me may not be the same with you but what I give you is the Algorithm to find your own path wherever you are, whatever you like to do, whatever your religion is.

 I like to add here that my soulmate actually is like how I was in my Past Life (with difficult childhood) and now I'm like she was in her Past Life... Maybe Karma? We never know...

Someone said once that we are at most, 6 persons from anyone else on earth but with Facebook and social media this distance is increasing day by day... So it's more and more possible!

If you find this person by chance and you discover she/he is married, doesn't speak your language, or some other barrier that might difficult the Union... well even so it's good because you could prove to yourself that you never stop believing it and it's real... The rest it will be depending on each other choices!!!

The colapse of tax system

Everyone thinks that taxes are very high when we need to pay them, but when the public services fail serving us, we complaint about it right??

There is also an essay that "We can´t escape to 2 things in this life: Death and taxes!"

We also listen the politicians saying on the media that they may cut taxes so that they can win the elections, and when they win, they increase the taxes instead of decreasing it... That's older that the creation of the world...

Resuming, we all think it's necessary to have taxes but we don't want to pay them and we always think that must be the others that have to pay the taxes... not us... we already pay enough!!!

So how do we solve this problem of the taxes? Should be the rich or the poor? The workers or the bosses? The privates or the state should take care of us all?

This problem like the money management has originated an enormous amount of political ideas, wars to have more people paying taxes and so than have more weapons to conquer more land...

What would be the world if we didn't have to pay taxes? Can you imagine that? Everything is private!!!
The health is private, the education is private, the senate is private or president, the roads are private... Should it be good to live in a world without taxes where you only can live if you can afford to pay things and if you don't, than probably you don't have a place to exist? I guess it would be a total anarchy where the money is king and interests would Lobby much more than they already do now...

So I guess that's not an option as well...

So how can we create a system where we can transform the EVIL Taxes in something that we recognize that is good for our society???

If we look at the course of the world, we see that everything is turning electronic and more and more things get solved using online tools...

Maybe the solution is there... 

I was born Christian so I follow the Bible even that I don't go to church every Sunday, so if we pay attention to the western civilization, the Constitution in many countries are based on the 10 Laws of God when it was written.

And we can criticize its application and viability but never the less it's still based on that...

Another thing that we should pay attention is "The Seven Deadly Sins" that may conduct the man into ruin and despair as it has happened in the past with many civilizations, some of them very big, like the Roman Empire...

So if we keep this 2 things in mind maybe it's a start to create something that can contribute to the well being of society without any political ideology but where its own goal is to create success and prosperity for all!!!

Amazing no??

Now that we reached this point we have to make those Investors and Socialists have some kind of agreement because both have very different ways of viewing this question and in many ways antagonist...

Socialists believe that the State Institution takes care of us all and should manage our lives and careers but unfortunately represses the private investor to have its own business, while the Capitalist/Investor society clearly supports private initiative and prosperity for all but declines to defend the ones that don't have money or ideas and initiative...

I guess the midterm is what is necessary at the moment...

Why can't we create a system that the State Institution has access to all of the money (Bit Coin State Owned) so that there won't be corruption, tax evasion, money laundering and other economic crimes and with this control transform it in a positive way to promote Investment and money circulation?

We all know that when the crisis appears is because the flux of money has stopped at some point and some people or group of people is getting richer and richer while the rest are losing and losing money... We have to think as it is some blood in someone's body and if we get cut the blood get's out and we start to feel seek and tired and ultimately die while someone gets our blood and has it's lunch at our costs... We don't want that!!!

So what I suggest is to create only 2 types of taxes: Tax of exchange or trade taxes that has to be low because we don't want to kill the trade and the punishment tax, and this must be high because it is meant to be a punishment. So what do I mean about that? 

If we consider that the money must circulate and not to be stopped at some bank we need to punish the ones that do that, or the Greedy ones (One of the 7 sins). So if they have their money stopped at some bank for more than, let's say 5 years and this amount is more than let's say 500.000€ they have to pay 25% to the State for every year that the money is stopped without getting invested or spent. Than we also need to have access to the money that flows, but without hurting it very much... How do we create this? By adding 1-5% for every transaction that is made, but not more than that... This will generate a huge amount of money, much bigger that it is now being generated.

But then there's a problem... If I want to donate some money, how can I do?

Well, in this case the tax is included on the donation and not added as on the transaction.

Problems on this system? I guess the banks won't like, the big economic groups, the ones that impose their will by money and Lobby...

Never the less if we try to implement a system like this, probably the world will be a better place with more happiness and wealth...

How do people perceive money

Everyone likes money... Who doesn't??? It's probably the only thing that can be common to Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Left Wing, Wright wing, old and young, man and woman, etc etc...

Money buys goods, food, cars, houses, gives you a good education in better places, health care... everything... So basically we need the money since the day we born ( to pay the hospital) until the day we die ( to pay the funeral)...

Every day we see on the news, people around us, social media news that someone stole for money or killed for money or got a scam to get money with work and we get angry or repulsed with that... By other if someone gets rich because his/her business is doing ok or got a promotion on his job and we didn't we have somewhat of a nostalgic/ jealous moment because we would like to have it as well but we didn't ... Or specially when there's only 1 vacancy and many candidates... and the ones that don't win the place always feel some bad taste of defeat and unfairness and probably some of them will do some bad things to the winner in order to show the person that decided, that has done a bad decision in not choosing them...

Have you ever thought for a second... Why do we need the money? The Bible says that the money is the Apple that poisoned Mankind until the judgment day... So if all this is correct why don't we leave it away?

Is it because it's "sticky" to give away? Or because it gives us status and power? Is it because it fills space between people when we want to trade something? Is it because it motivates us to work and to create new things?

Well, seeing how the concept of money is changing in our society from the metal coins, to the paper ones, than plastic and now with Bit coins, the power that it has over people is decreasing little by little because the money is transforming gradually from precious metals to non precious metals until it's only it's value in a virtual world that we trade...

At same time as less powerful the money is, more power the people have on fighting corruption, on demanding changes in the big interests, because now on we have more and more access to hidden data...

We can't forget that this progress that gives us more and more happiness and wealth comes attached with more virtual intelligence, better developed machines, that can perform Human tasks for free and for much longer periods of time...

We couldn't be better than we were before... Finally Human Kind can have peace, the social differences may disappear in a short time, as well the corruption, the wars and the Perfect World is just there???

Hummm... It's tempting to think that way but suddenly I remembered that the money for more systems of protection and anti-corruption that might exist IT WILL ALWAYS HAVE VALUE...
And because of that, is something that will motivate people to own it.

Now I share with you a futuristic view that I had :)

What if in a far far away time where machines work to Humans in a perfect symbiosis, where everyone is rich and happy and do whatever pleases him/herself because everyone can afford to do so, where the cure of all diseases is discovered and nothing bad might happen because there's plenty of money for everyone?

Good no?

So, I suppose the transactions will be made through a big server like Google and like Google as well will have an Algorithm to secure it and make it safe...

What if, by any chance some group of people could crack this algorithm down and own this huge server where all the transactions are made and say to the rest of the population: "You won't have more money from now on and now on you are our slaves!"

Can you imagine the disaster it would be, where there's no money to buy a bottle of milk to give to her baby? Or money to pay the rent? Or to buy water?
I imagine that people would kill for a slice of bread or to have a place to sleep or live...
The respect for the other human being that we now a days think is low, by that time it will be zero for sure...

Not to talk the probably enormous quantity of machines that will exist to control the population to the interests that they were reprogrammed to do and at the same time a population that has become lazy for the years and years that the machines took care of them...

Hummm... Interesting point of view don't you think?

I imagine that something like this will happen on judgment day that the Bible talks about...

Well... Should we be scared? Should we lose hope? What can we do, you ask...

Well, I assume that I had the same question and I took some time to answer it (If you believe in reincarnation and that you will reincarnate by that time of course), or if not thinking about your grand grand grand grand sons...

The answer that I got is that we must give to the others as much as we can so that our karma is cleaner possible and with this act we get detached by the POWER OF MONEY...

Another thing is to put ourselves in situations that we need to test our limits and boundaries and we can achieve to a higher state of conscience... for example...

Go to a new country or place and start from zero the search for friends, job or income, learn new language, meet new culture and costumes and overcome all these difficulties...
Or for example make a survivor course for some days where your limits are tested and your strengths and weaknesses show up...

Well, at least we will be prepared for the first impact of this big crush but the "poison" will still be there...

So the answer to the problem of THE VALUE OF THE MONEY is that... IT DOENST HAVE ANY VALUE AT ALL!!!
The value we give it is only one we want to give... If this big server is destroyed and shut down, it means that we don't need its value and we give things freely and based on the POWER OF LOVE!!!

Now we think... This is only so far away ... Why do we bother about it???

Well you are right... But if we form a conscience society about this factor that we don't need no governors, or political parties or MONEY at all... at least the idea won't die and thrive!!

The New World Order (2023...?)

 We all watch news from all kinds of happenings such as Plagues ( COVID19 ), Global warming with melting ice on both pols, starvation caused...